
AES Section Meeting Reports

Argentina - August 30, 2024

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On Friday, August 30th, the Third Argentinian Audio Event took place at SABA Studio, located in the City of Córdoba. Starting at 10:00 AM, attendees gathered with music producer Orestes Di Vruno (Santa Marta Studio) and entrepreneurs Marcelo De Petro (Guerrilla Audio Store), Patricio Baumann (PBM), Tomás Quagliardi (Quagliardi Pro Audio), and Ariel Heredia (Sonido en Estado Puro), who led the activities held at the studio.
The event began with a welcome speech by AES Argentina Chairman, Gustavo González, after which the activities commenced. First, attendees entered the Recording Room, where the objectives of the event were reviewed, and the uses, applications, and techniques with microphones for recording acoustic drums, electric basses, guitars, and vocals were presented. These sessions were led by Orestes Di Vruno, Marcelo De Petro, and Patricio Baumann.
Later, participants moved to the Control Room, where they reviewed the functions of the Quagliardi Powergrid 10, along with the 501+ Preamp and the 576 FET compressor. The preamps, equalizers, and features of the latest model of Ariel Heredia's production console (Sonido en Estado Puro) were also tested.
Patricio Baumann offered attendees the opportunity to work with the PBM C2, C4, 87, R1, and M7 models, while Guerrilla Audio Store provided the use of the G.A.S. K67, Fon, 84, and 77 models. Throughout the event, stereo microphone techniques and various pointing techniques were reviewed. Input signals were processed using different preamps and compressors from Quagliardi Pro Audio, as well as Ariel Heredia's console (Sonido en Estado Puro).
The second instrument recorded was a Jazz Bass, whose line was captured using the "Colorbox" direct injection box from Quagliardi Pro Audio. These recordings were later compared with other methods, and reamp techniques were performed with the "Colorbox Reamp Q."
Finally, vocals were recorded, with Tomás Quagliardi delivering an outstanding performance, concluding the Third Argentinian Audio Event with a great display of knowledge and experience in the field of professional audio.

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