
AES Section Meeting Reports

Argentina - August 16, 2024

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Last Friday, August 16th, the Second AES CEPSA UNLa Audio Symposium was held at the Tita Merello University Cinema of the National University of Lanús in Buenos Aires.
The welcome remarks were given by the Vice President of AES Argentina, Lic. Christian Paladino, together with the Director of CEPSA UNLa, Mg. Alejandro Brianza, preceded by the introduction of the new Director of the Audiovisión Degree, Ing. Germán Calvi.
Immediately afterward, Iván Markovic, former Chairman of AES Argentina and also a graduate of this prestigious institution, inaugurated the academic event with the first lecture titled "Sound Postproduction in Dolby Atmos."
Next, Professor and Researcher Jorge Petrosino presented his lecture "Innovations in Measuring the Reverberant Field in Large Venues," in which he showcased the work carried out in collaboration with Georgina Lizaso. The presentation focused on exploring the acoustic field in large rooms, highlighting innovative techniques for measuring the reverberant field and recent research findings.
At the end of the second academic lecture, and as the afternoon set in, the audience was invited to a networking session, during which they were given a number and grouped together to introduce themselves, aiming to connect students, professionals, and the general public.
Meanwhile, the Argentinian Audio Expo was held in the building's hall, where entrepreneurs and companies presented their products.
Upon returning to the auditorium, the gathering continued with the Roundtable Discussion "Argentinian Audio: National Industry," moderated by Christian Paladino, featuring participants such as Tomás Quagliardi (Quagliardi Pro Audio), Patricio Baumann (PBM), Marcelo De Petro (Guerrilla Audio Store), Fernando Vera (Resonar Ingeniería), and Sebastián de Franceschi (Kultrumm Audio Labs). This discussion included debates and exchanges of perspectives on the manufacturing of national equipment.
The session then moved on to a series of presentations, starting with Mg. Alejandro Brianza, who presented his paper "The Use of References in the Mastering Process," addressing the implicit considerations in the use of references during the mastering process.
Later, Lic. Agustín Guaraz joined the second part of the session, which included the presentation "Behind the Band: Between Dissemination, Academic Support, and Entertainment," where he aimed to explore the development of radio language, using the podcast "Behind the Band" as a case study.
Regarding the project "Behind the Band: Notebooks," these emerged from the research "The Podcast: Between Dissemination, Academic Support, and Entertainment," which compiles critical articles on Argentine and South American cinema. The presentation was delivered by Lic. Anabella Molinari Fernández, Lic. Damián Bender, and Lic. Federico Bianchetti.
Near the end, Lic. Ana Lutowicz continued with her presentation "The Production of Meaning through Podcasts: Democratization of Ideas or an Open Door to Neofascisms?" which reflected on the possibilities and limitations of the format and its discourses.
The grand finale of an intense day was the presentation by Fernando Richard, who delivered "Music Mastering for Dolby Atmos," where he described the workflow of the mastering process in both stereo and Dolby Atmos.
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