
AES Section Meeting Reports

Boston - July 10, 2024

Meeting Topic:

Moderator Name:

Speaker Name:

Meeting Location:


Meeting 7/10/24

In attendance: DF, RB, JM, OK, MW, BL, DB

Meeting kicks off with Daniel giving an overview of the event calendar for the rest of the year.
August is the one month we do not have current events scheduled. Tentative event scheduled at museum of Science but we have not heard back from them yet.
Similar scenario with Sonos - we have a placeholder for mid September.
We are trying to coordinate with Powersoft, our sponsor, and Thomas Howie for an event in October.
Malik is in touch with The Record Co. with the Focusrite/Atmos pop up. 11/16 is the actual event date, 11/15 is the set up date which we might offer help with if necessary. This event will be a light lift for us where we are in collaboration with TRC.
Looking towards December, we will have our holiday party which was a success last year.
Action point for the committee: review event spreadsheet, try to plug in an August event.
Malik brings up the possibility of an event at Futura with immersive audio as well as the organization Project Step - an organization involved with youth string players. One idea Malik brings up is to have a recording session at Futura with Project Step.
John Mailloux suggests reaching out to Telefunken again for a tour of the factory in CT, hopefully in person as opposed to a virtual tour.
Possible action item: form some kind of committee representative for other areas of New England such as northern CT.

The next meeting item on the agenda is to talk about next week's event at Foundry (Cambridge, MA) with Matthew Acevedo. The venue has been paid. Performance will be held 6:15-7 followed by a lecture and q+a about infrasound technology. We will need someone to pick up food and drinks. We currently have 25 RSVP.

Updates with Webinar Series: Newsletter and social went out early this week with a call for submissions. So far we have five responses to the google form with presentation proposals.
We will need to communicate with AES headquarters to get access to a webinar license for the dates we have. Daniel will ping Joe Williams for assistance.

Action items for social media: post picture of Ben Jennings with the Sonos ray soundbar and shout them out, hopefully priming for a potential sponsorship.
Malik suggests making video content to show what the section is up to.

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AES - Audio Engineering Society