
AES Section Meeting Reports

Instituto Terciario TAMABA - July 1, 2024

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On Monday, July 1, starting at 9:30 PM, the AES-TAMABA Student Section had the honor of hosting Licenciado Ezequiel Morfi (Titanio Studios) for a MasterClass on "Introduction to Mastering: Destroying Myths."

This event was conducted synchronously online from Zoom Room 3 at Instituto Terciario TAMABA and later published on the official AES-TAMABA YouTube channel.

With the presence of Section President Brian Aras, Vice President Federico Gironelli, vocal Fernando Castillo, and Faculty Advisor Gustavo González, Ezequiel Morfi delivered a nearly two-hour lecture to more than 35 attendees on the theoretical and practical concepts of "in the box" mastering. He covered topics such as dither, oversampling, floating point, fixed point, and noise shaping. He briefly described his working method and facilitated a highly enriching Q&A session, which served as an invitation to hold a second part before the end of the year.

To access the masterclass, please follow this link:

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More About Instituto Terciario TAMABA Section

AES - Audio Engineering Society