
AES Section Meeting Reports

Instituto Terciario TAMABA - July 1, 2024

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On Monday, July 1, from 8:30 PM to 9:20 PM, we had the honor of welcoming professional Ezequiel Morfi, who shared with us his valuable insights, comments, and experiences from the AES Europe Audio Convention held in June in Madrid.

During the first part of the meeting, we were joined by Chair Brian Aras, Vice Chair Federico Gironelli, and vocal Fernando Castillo, accompanied by Faculty Advisor Gustavo Gonzalez and first- and second-year students from the Instituto Terciario Tamaba. We reviewed the first six months of the year and the various activities we conducted. These included organizing three masterclasses, a mixing competition, acoustic space measurements, the research and development of a plugin, and recordings of various musical projects to be presented at student recording competitions in several countries in the region.

In the second part of the meeting, with the presence of Ezequiel Morfi, we held a Q&A session where we got up to date on what happened at the Madrid 2024 Convention. We also had time to discuss digital audio and gain staging.

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AES - Audio Engineering Society