
AES Section Meeting Reports

Philadelphia - May 29, 2024

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In this seminar, Natalia Schlesinger shared her process in recording a live orchestra specifically for an immersive mix. It involved an array of microphones positioned to reflect a 7.0.4 bed configuration.

The orchestra sections completely surrounded these microphones, effectively placing the listener in the center of the performance.

She also gave an impromptu tour of the 9.1.4 Dolby Atmos facility at Art House Studios in Miami, FL where she's an in-house engineer.

Carolyn Malachi shared her immersive mixing techniques in reimagining Dr, Maya Angelou's 1956 album, Miss Calypso. The song, Run Joe from this album, was discussed after her presentation.

Watch the entire seminar here:

Listen to Carolyn's immersive mix of Run Joe from Dr. Maya Angelou's 1956 album, Miss Calypso, here:

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AES - Audio Engineering Society