
AES Section Meeting Reports

Argentina - May 2, 2024

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From May 2nd to 4th, in the city of Córdoba, in the heart of Argentina, the most prominent scientific dissemination event of the semester in the audio field took place. This event featured over 25 masterclasses, workshops, and studio visits, along with an equipment manufacturers' exhibition.
The opening day, on May 1st, was led by mastering engineer Mario Breuer with his talk "Digital or Analog... Are We Still Asking This Question?", followed by a masterclass and workshop led by Ezequiel Morfi. Sergio Chapur presented "Analog Recording Concepts Applied to Digital and Live Symphonic Sound Mixing", while Indio Gauvron addressed "Acoustic and Electroacoustic Considerations in the Design of Music Recording Studios Controls", and Carmina Monier concluded the day with "Audio in International Waters: Networking Signal Flow in Cruise Theater Industry". Additionally, guided tours were conducted at Maya Studio and Pira Estudios, and national manufacturers Ariel Heredia Sonido and Bucci Clásicos held product demonstrations.
On Friday morning, Luis Nogués provided an overview of the "History of Development and Evolution of Sound at the Casquín Festival", followed by Bernardo Ferrón with "Production and Mixing: Strategies for Developing Musical Criteria" and Ernesto Carro with "Resource Optimization, 'We Do It with What We Have...'". In the afternoon, Sebastián Ferreyra from the National Technological University Regional Faculty of Córdoba delivered a talk on "Acoustic Measurements of Spaces: Why, What, and How to Measure?", and Rubén Ordóñez tackled "And the Master? Stems vs Stereo Mastering?". Atilio Sánchez, in collaboration with the Audiovisual Sound Technicians Association, concluded the day with a masterclass on "Direct Sound".
The last day was entirely dedicated to music production, featuring talks such as Christian Paladino's "Location Recording and Preservation of Acoustic Identity", Ezequiel Kosiner Blanco and Marcelo Depetro's "Stereo Techniques with Microphones", and Facundo González Ulloque's "Balance in Mastering". The day concluded with Francisco Bissone and his talk "Dolby Atmos and Immersive Audio". Students visited Studio 440 in the morning and participated in the MJP Audio Designs demonstration in the afternoon.
The event concluded with an exciting recognition of all involved parties who made this gathering possible, bringing together more than 250 people over three days.
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