
AES Section Meeting Reports

Instituto Terciario TAMABA - April 1, 2024

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During the first weekly meeting of April, we continued to advance in evaluating the feasibility of the projects discussed in previous weeks.

Federico Gironelli, the current vice president of the AES-TAMABA Student Section, presented a project focused on "recording music with a PC costing only $100." We explored various alternatives to carry out recordings using low-cost tools, aiming to maximize efficiency without compromising quality.

On the other hand, the Section Chairman Brian Aras shared details about the planned actions within the framework of the acoustic measurements project in the Recording Studio Room II at the Instituto Terciario Tamaba. This project promises to contribute to the improvement of musical production spaces.

Finally, work was done on developing the calendar for the Mixing Competition, which will be an exciting and enriching event for all TAMABA students.

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More About Instituto Terciario TAMABA Section

AES - Audio Engineering Society