Meeting Topic: Monthly Meeting of the Board of the AES TAMABA Student Section
Moderator Name: Federico Gironelli
Speaker Name: Federico Gironelli, Brian Aras y Fernando Castillo
Meeting Location: Buenos Aires
On Monday, December 11, the AES TAMABA Student Section gathered via Zoom to organize the final activities of the year. It was agreed upon to hold a new in-person meeting on Monday, December 18, in room 403 of the TAMABA Tertiary Institute, located at 146 Combate de los Pozos Street, with Professor Indio Gauvron and Faculty Advisor Gustavo González.
The main objective of this meeting was to start using and clarify doubts about the software generously provided by Professor Indio Gauvron. This software allows us to analyze the impulse responses we captured in the last meeting at the Centro Asturiano de Buenos Aires. In that meeting, our goal was to find a method that would enable us to determine the absorption coefficient of a sound-absorbing material.
Additionally, discussions took place regarding another project related to conducting acoustic measurements and surveying acoustic parameters in ordinary enclosures following ISO 3382-2 standards. This project aims to apply these measurements to the classrooms of the TAMABA Tertiary Institute, control rooms, and recording studios. The objective is to document these parameters and make them available to producers, professionals, and students undertaking future projects in these spaces. Furthermore, the intention is for students and teachers to have a table of obtained results that facilitates the interpretation of how the enclosure responds (reverberation time, diffusivity, resonant modes, etc.).
Written By: Fernando Castillo, Gustavo Gonzalez