Meeting Topic: Business Meeting
Moderator Name: Liz May
Speaker Name: Business Meeting
Other business or activities at the meeting: This was a short business meeting. Please see the meeting summary for the details.
Meeting Location: Zoom
Here are the highlights from the meeting.
Committee reports:
Education committee has invited Brad McCoy to speak at our next meeting. That committee needs to get dates for events and ideas. The committee has not met in a couple of months.
Social committee is having two hangs. One in Raleigh and one in Asheville.
All committees need to have ideas for fundraising and sponsorships. Each committee has a budget that was suggested by Liz.
Old Business:
NC Music Educators Association is hosting their in-service conference, and Howie Ledford and Fred Johnson are speaking at this conference.
New Business
There was much discussion about the upcoming conference, and there was a form that was sent out to the membership to see who was going to be there, and if everyone wanted to have a get together near the event.
Scott Wynne is working on the beginning of a research project pertaining to Master's degrees in Audio Engineering. This should be prove to be interesting.
Written By: Howell D. Ledford, Jr.