
AES Section Meeting Reports

Webster University - October 31, 2023

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Hello, from Webster AES! October was a busy month for us! During our pizza meeting for the month, we discussed examples of good and bad sound design in the media. Students and officers alike would describe what makes the sounds more or less cohesive in the piece. At the next meeting, Bill Schulenberg joined us as a guest speaker. He spoke on his experience as Vice President for the Central US/Canada section of AES. He told students the importance of getting connected with AES and the benefits that come with it. There was no meeting during the week of October 16th due to Fall Break.

From October 24th through 28th, the officers went to New York for the annual Audio Engineering Society Convention. We were able to go to panels and exhibits on the latest technology and discussions going on in the audio world. It was interesting to see the convention compared to our very own CRASS. The panels helped us brainstorm topics to use and issues we haven't brought up in past years. In addition, we talked with professionals in the industry about our Central Region Audio Student Summit and invited them to join us at the conference, whether that be as an attendee or possibly a panelist! When we came back, we gave a showcase on mix critiques for anyone who wanted to bring their mix to an audience. This would give them feedback on anything that could be adjusted or show highlights.

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AES - Audio Engineering Society