
AES Section Meeting Reports

Boston - August 14, 2023

Meeting Topic:

Moderator Name:

Speaker Name:

Other business or activities at the meeting:

Meeting Location:


BAES meeting 8.14.23
Dereck updates group on confirmation of funds transfer to the Selkie scholarship. Leaving us $880 or so in the account.
58 current RSVP's to Dorset Hall social
Social media update
Post more with instagram and FB
Discuss what we agree on for content that we may post or re-share via instagram.
Dan also mentioned how we could keep welcoming new members who join the Facebook page.
Dorset Hall Social Scheming:
- we talk about giving a heads up to staff at the bar given the numbers we have. Malik leads with updates on the point of contact from the space. We plan on having access to the private area in the restaurant.
Malik talks about Industry Night hosted at the record co and what we might expect with our events based on that experience.
The meeting goes back onto agenda discussing signage we may want for the event and future events. Dereck reminds us that there are some banners that exist out there potentially - but it might be worth acquiring new ones since Dan Fox had brought it up with the previous committee.
We agree to some small laminated fliers to make it easier for folks to find their way to space. Malik had reached out to a photographer, but regardless we discussed taking a lot of photos. Dan agrees to make a sign. Name-tags will also be provided to encourage conversation.
Malik brings up whether or not we find value in having merchandise for the local section. This is definitely something we're interested in pending any donations for the section.
Need to check in with Ethan about New Alliance Audio (recording studio) which would be mostly on a networking night ideally we would have sponsors for any snacks and drinks. Also an opportunity for Ethan and Otto to show off the studio and what makes it special.
7-9:30 approx. timing
We discuss ideas for more interactive events such as product reviews or mix critique panels/workshops, Q&A/Guest Lectures: Gavin Paddock (Jon Batiste, Overstayer), Skill share for audio business owners (Dan), Restoration/Repair Event: Iron Mountain (Meg Travis).
This would all be for the Spring calendar.

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AES - Audio Engineering Society