
AES Section Meeting Reports

Carolinas - June 28, 2023

Meeting Topic:

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Other business or activities at the meeting:

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During this meeting the executive board and an ad hoc committee reported that they wanted to restructure our events. The main purpose was so that the social committee was to take the burden off the social committee. The membership approved the changes recommended by the ad hoc committee to change the social committee name to the "Major Events Committee." In turn, there was a new "Social Committee" formed with the express job of doing smaller events that are local to our pockets of membership. We cover two states, and getting everyone together in person can be done. However, the frequency of just having fun can be more localized. We call them "Hangs or hangouts." This was approved, and we discussed our number of people who attended the meeting which was 12. The suggestion was that we have an educational moment in which someone in the membership gives a 5-10 presentation on something that we can use to help us be better. This will be spearheaded by the educational committee.

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AES - Audio Engineering Society