
AES Section Meeting Reports

Escuela de Musica Contemporanea - July 8, 2023

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Today, a lecture on Sample.Ar (the student project on sample libraries and convolution reverbs done collaboratively by AES-EMC, AES-ECOS and AES-Aural which has already been explained in further detail on previous reports) was given at Centro Cultural San Martín (Buenos Aires) as part of the larger "V Jornadas Rioplatenses de Audio" (JRA), an anual event organized by AES Argentina and AES Uruguay which took place on July 7th and 8th at Centro Cultural San Martín this year.

The 15-minute lecture was given by Lucas Mechehem, current Chair of AES-ECOS, and Federico Matta y Trejo, current Chair of AES-EMC, with Mauricio Ballesteros from AES-EMC having a special participation playing the electric guitar as part of the demonstration phase of the presentation. Although short, it was met with a lot of interest by the crowd at the end of it.

Special thanks to AES Argentina for honoring us with their invitation to the event and particularly to Chair S. Gustavo González, Vice Chair Christian Paladino and Secretary Ezequiel Kosiner Blanco for their help in setting up the presentation. We look forward to collaborating even more in the future!

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AES - Audio Engineering Society