
AES Section Meeting Reports

Argentina - July 7, 2023

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With a clear reference to the achievement made in 1912 (and its subsequent celebrations between the Argentine and Uruguayan Air Forces) by aviator Jorge Newbery, who crossed the Rio de la Plata twice in an airplane, the Rioplatense Audio Conferences have been held for 5 years now.
On Friday, July 7th, and Saturday, July 8th, 2023, the fifth edition of this regional event, fostering the collaboration between the AES Argentina and AES Uruguay Professional Sections, took place.
The first day started with the talk "Planning and Music Production for Live Sound," given by professionals Javier Viña (URU) and Emilio Nicoli (ARG). This talk explained the technical audio production process, emphasizing the effectiveness and coherence in creating a technical rider and the role of the FOH engineer in a real-world venue situation.
Next, student Nicolás Fernández, representing the AES-AURAL Student Section, presented his work in progress called "DIGRA Diffuser," which allows sound to disperse in different directions and helps distribute it evenly in a room.
After the coffee break, the first day concluded with the talk "Monitoring Systems" by former AES Uruguay President and Vice President for Latin America, Cesar Lamschtein (URU). He captivated the audience with clear concepts, drawing from his extensive experience to present an analytical overview of stage monitoring systems, including requirements, design, equipment, calibration, and both orthodox and unorthodox practices.
The second day of the conference began with the official certification "RF Audio Systems" provided by TmPro-Shure. Following a dedicated Q&A session, all attendees received a diploma certifying their participation.
In the second session, students Lucas Mechehem and Federico Matta Trejo presented their work in progress called "Sample.AR Project," which focuses on collecting impulse responses from different acoustic spaces.
After lunch, student Sebastián Lamela from AES-AURAL presented his work in progress called "CLR Project," which involves the design and acoustical treatment of a room to minimize sound interference and distortion that may affect the listening experience.
In the third session, Magalí Martinho (ARG) delivered a talk titled "The Role of the Monitor Engineer in Live Shows," where she shared her personal experience and provided an introductory overview of the main functions of a monitor engineer.
During the nearly two-hour talk "Implementations of Audio over IP for Shows and Installations" by Juan "Cana" San Martín, various topics related to this technology, which has revolutionized the entertainment industry, were discussed
The event brought together over 140 attendees, and invitations were extended to other organizations related to the audio industry, such as universities, sound schools, and other NGOs, with the aim of establishing new connections.

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