Meeting Topic: Event
Moderator Name: Terrance Ervan and Liz May
Speaker Name: Dustin Ragland (Ableton) Jeff Francis (USC) Neil Griffin (Independent Contractor) Terrance Ervan (Shadypalms Productions) Jay Matheson (Jam Room Recording Studios)
Other business or activities at the meeting:
There were a variety of different topics covered at this meeting. They included but were not limited to:
Live sound
Music Production
Ableton Live
Music for Film
and Dante
Meeting Location: Columbia, SC
The event was a good event. We had three topics for an hour and thrity minutes then we took a thirty minute break. We had three more topics for thirty minutes then we went to the Jam Room to have a social time. All of the clinics were super informative. Our biggest regret is that we could not hear them all.
Written By: Howell D. Ledford, Jr.