Meeting Topic: BAES 2023 kick-off meeting
Moderator Name: Daniel Fox
Speaker Name: Joe williams (member) Tony Schultz (member) Michael Devonish (member), Melissa Sanon (potential member), Shane Gooding (Soundlab, member) Robert Torres, (member) Robert Barkan, (member,comittee)) PJ Goodwin (member) Malik Williams (co-chair) Otto Klammer (secretary) Dereck Blackburn (treasurer) Daniel Fox (co-chair)
Other business or activities at the meeting: Introductions, plans for the future of Boston AES chapter, creating buzz and excitement, discuss location and plan for first BAES event.
Meeting Location: Zoom
June 8th, 2023 start time of 8:30pm
Meeting was held over Zoom and was attended by the officers of the Boston AES chapter as well as potential committee members and former chapter officers.
In attendance: Joe williams (member) Tony Schultz (member) Michael Devonish (member), Melissa Sanon (potential member), Shane Gooding (Soundlab, member) Robert Torres, (member) Robert Barkan, (member,comittee) PJ Goodwin (member) Malik Williams (co-chair) Otto Klammer (secretary) Dereck Blackburn (treasurer) Daniel Fox (co-chair)
On the agenda:
Introductions of full group present, state intentions with the chapter, and hear from the committee about any ideas. Committee then will exit around 9pm for the chapter officers to discuss duties within our roles, potential scholarship funded by BAES, and location of first chapter event in several years.
- Daniel fox shares screen with some things we've outlined for the future of AES
- 1. Broaden reach and community to young professionals, students, POC, women, LGBTQ, making our society match the real faces of audio out in the world.
- Huge music representation, but there are arguable more jobs in audio that have little to do with music production, corporate av, TV AND BROADCAST, FILM AUDIO, PODCASTING, HIGHER ED TECH, ETC,
2. Bring inspiring and stimulating audio content to the region which spans the entirety of New England
3. Host spaces for new voices
4. Linking with like minded organizations (Beatz by Girls for example, TRC, etc.)
Tony former chair of BAES brings up the point that baes used to have over 400 members it should be a goal to sort of get them back
Dereck brings up reestablishing relationships with universities or other educational orgs
Malik brings up getting involved in the state level - more support for this industry from the arts coalition
9:18 switched over to business agenda
And networking events, most of the comittee exit, Rob Barkan stays to discuss
9:30 Trello intro by Dereck, task management for chapter officers and defining roles.
First event
Malik will reach out to josh from roadrunner to plant the seed of another BAES event
but for the first event, we landed on Dorchester Brewing Company as the most ideal location.
Selki scholarship - mountain recording retreat in WV
Boston AES DIYREC equipment partnership
Recording bootcamp
"Aes is taking applications"
1400 dollar cost which is the scholarship
Daniel will respond to the email about the scholarship, it is decided that we do not currently have funds for it but it will be something to aspire to in the future.
for next meeting: "How do we bring balance and inclusion to the AES? " agenda point, how do we go about writing grants and do we want this role open to committee members?
10:15 meeting adjourned next meeting time and location TBA
Written By: Otto Klammer