Meeting Topic: Chair Election Meeting
Moderator Name: Steve Barsotti
Other business or activities at the meeting:
Elect Executive Committee and Committeepersons for the upcoming year
Section decided to meet monthly instead of quarterly
Meeting Location: Zoom
In Attendance:
Executive Committee Members: S. Barsotti, B. Bray, M. Espar
Others: B. Moore, Lemobile, D.J. Fricke, J. Godfrey, G. Dagrezio, E. Lucero, J. Giles, P. Dyson, B. R. Ludlow, C. Booth,
S. Barsotti welcomed everyone. He shared the purpose of this meeting: to elect Executive Committee and Committeepersons for the upcoming year.
Attendees introduced themselves.
B. Bray shared an update regarding the Student Mixing Competition. Competition has been moved to 9/30/23. Will be held at Studio West / TRAC. Winner will receive 8 hours of studio time in Studio West Studio "A". Other prizes may also be given.
M. Espar shared an update on the "Making Waves" film screening and sound design masterclass, co-sponsored by AES, happening 4/20/23 at San Diego City College.
S. Barsotti presented notion for collaborative workshop with San Diego Media Pro local group. He is seeking assistance in getting more people from Post in SD to participate.
B. Bray shared descriptions of each position up for election.
S. Barsotti was unanimously elected to position of Section Chair.
M. Espar was unanimously elected to position of Section Vice Chair.
B. R. Ludlow was unanimously elected to position of Section Secretary/Treasurer.
J. Giles was unanimously elected to position of Section Student Representative.
The following members were selected as Committeepersons: R. Silverstein, C. Booth, B. Moore, D.J. Fricke, B. Bray, P. Dyson, G. Dagrezio, E. Lucero, J. Godfrey.
S. Barsotti suggested having social mixer in May or June. He also suggested having a summer event around a visit to Lemobile.
J. Godfrey suggested forming a subgroup focused on immersive audio.
S. Barsotti suggested meeting on a monthly basis.