
AES Section Meeting Reports

Japan - November 26, 2009

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Paul Neyrinck (Neyrinck Audio) made seminar about overview of 'Dolby E Encoding/Decoding and Post production workflow'.
It was a wide range lecture from the history of audio encoding such as LtRt downmixing at the beginning, to the usage of Meta data on digital audio encoding and decoding workflow. It was included detailed information of Dolby E signal format that is really suitable for video-audio postproduction. Also, it suggested that is very important audio postproduction engineers to make sure the details of meta data and to check it out before digital encoded delivering. He showed us how to make sure all meta data and what is the point for inspection to deliver it using actual software tool.
There were eighteen attendees (10 AES members and 8 non members). They had good understanding about importance of digital encode / decode and possibility of meta-data.

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AES - Audio Engineering Society