Meeting Topic: AES Argentina visited the Escuela de Música Contemporánea -EMC
Moderator Name: Christian Paladino
Speaker Name: Christian Paladino - Federico Matta
Other business or activities at the meeting: meeting
Meeting Location: Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
On Friday, April 21, we visited colleagues and students from the Escuela de Música Contemporánea -EMC-. On that date, we made the presentation of the Professional Section of AES Argentina for the entire educational community, and we shared experiences, projects and researches with the AES-EMC Student Section @aes.emc
Throughout 2 hours, the Vice Chairman of AES ARG Christian Paladino, accompanied by the Chairman of the Student Section Federico Matta, made the relevant presentation and explained to the attendees the objectives, goals and guidelines of the work agenda for this year. In addition, the talk was broadcast via zoom for the rest of the community.
Written By: Gustavo Gonzalez - Francisco Bissone