
AES Section Meeting Reports

San Francisco - November 19, 2022

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A comparison of DAW software, utilising screen sharing to give attendees a guided tour of five different software packages. This was presented live over Zoom and YouTube. Moderator Julius Dobos (Pro Tools, Digital Performer, Ableton Live) led the discussion with Phil Hawkins (Studio One), Matt Blostein (Cubase), John "JD" David (Ableton Live), Erik Foreman (Pro Tools) and Austin Rowe (Logic Pro X). Each panelist was given three tasks, and took the attendees through their method(s) of accompishing these. Then, each panelist was asked to discuss likes, dislikes and what they hoped for the future of their respective software packages. Throughout, comments and questions were acknowledged and answered. This is the first in a series of AES-SF interactive educational panels.

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