
AES Section Meeting Reports

Japan - February 16, 2022

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Faculty of design at Kyushu University is more than 50 years old after it was founded as Kyushu Institute of Design.
The first renovation in 50 years of the experimental laboratory except for the anechoic room has been performed.
The topic was the renovation of the facilities for acoustic experiments at Kyushu University, Ohashi Campus.
Professor Omoto and Professor Yamauchi explained what they aimed to get along with the latest acoustic design.
Important design feature of the facilities is the ability to conduct basic acoustic experiments, measurement of sound insulation performance, multi-channel compatibility, and barrier-free access.
The control room and recording booth can accommodate many speakers for future use.
It is rare for a University Facility to have a reverberation room, a semi-anechoic room, and an anechoic room in one building.
The semi-anechoic room is used for sound presentations and various experiments.
The multipurpose room is used for recording, performance practice, ear training, and delivery of presentations. Cameras in hand-held smartphones were moved around as if the participants walked around the facilities in real-time.
24-speaker multichannel reproduction was recorded by a dummy head in a multi-purpose room and transmitted to the sound reproductions in various halls.

Q&A: What kind of research are you planning to do with students in the future?
Professor Omoto said he wanted to create an environment where students can conduct basic acoustic experiments using various measurement methods.
Professor Yamauchi said he would like to conduct experiments to evaluate sound quality in various simulated sound fields, which will lead to interdisciplinary research between engineering and music.

The content of this online tour attracted the interest of many educators and students.
It was felt the future is bright for the sound industry.

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