
AES Section Meeting Reports

Germany - January 25, 2022

Meeting Topic:

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This meeting was the first meeting of the AES Germany Section's with the regional group leaders and was held on Zoom. The meeting was well attended and resulted in an interesting discussion with regional group leaders.

The focus was among other things on introduction and getting to know each other. Everyone introduced themselves briefly and expressed how they could support the Section in general. In particular, fresh and new ideas seem to be warmly welcomed. In addition to this, stronger collaboration (and without competition) between AES Germany and other German clubs in this field as well as a stronger connection with universities and student sections is desired.
One of the other discussed topics was the AES Germany Website, which has been presented by the board and the regional group leaders are going to support them with designing and providing contents. (

All participants agreed to repeat such a meeting about once a month to exchange ideas and always be kept up to date.

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More About Germany Section

AES - Audio Engineering Society