Meeting Topic: Loudspeaker Duct Design
Speaker Name: Homero Sette
Other business or activities at the meeting: This presentation was part of the 7th AES Brazil National Convention. It was recorded on May 26, 2003.
Meeting Location: Expo Center Norte Convention Pavillion, São Paulo, Brazil
Dimensionamento de Dutos Para Caixas Acusticas: Conceitos Fundamentais, Graficos e Tabelas - Homero Sette Silva (Portuguese) (PDF Document - 1.6 MB - 30 pages)
Loudspeaker Duct Design Presentation (Portuguese) (MP3 Audio - 229.9 MB - Length: 2:05:31)
The speaker is Homero Sette and the topic of presentation is Loudspeaker Duct Design. This is a brazilian portuguese spoken presentation and there is a text document with graphics and mathematical formulas.