Meeting Topic: 1st Intersectional Student Sections
Moderator Name: Indio Gauvron
Speaker Name: Fernando Bacigalupo, Indio Gauvron (AES Argentina); Tomás Moreno (EMC), Emanuel Guajardo, Jesus Almirón, Emiliano Busso, Manuel Clemente, Elián Domínguez, Gustavo Gonzalez (Tamaba); Adrian Rallap (ECOS); Carla Gatica, Julián Ochat, Federico Martín, Leandro Rodriguez (Aural).
Meeting Location: Capital Federal
On Monday September 20 we gathered together in the 1st Intersectional Student Sections Event from Argentina, with participations from AES-AURAL, AES-COS, AES-EMC and AES-TAMABA. After an introduction from Fernando Bacigalupo -Chairman of AES Argentina- each Faculty Advisor was presented by Indio Gauvron, a long-time friend and collaborator of the student sections in our country.
The first step was taken by Tomás Moreno, a student from AES-EMC. He presented his thesis work called "From the demo to the song", in this context he showed his vision about doing musical production. Tomás shared with the audience the obtained results in each production step, allowing the listening the "before and after" production treatment and giving arguments to support each taken decision.
On second term, Emanuel Guajardo started the AES-TAMABA participation showing his project, "Musical instruments development with Arduino", telling his experience in the matter. Afterwards, Leonel Petta presented his research about the developing of a subkick microphone. The students Jesus Almirón, Emiliano Busso and Manuel Clemente talked about usual procedures on impulse responses and its applications on music: using a blind test, the speakers give us the opportunity to experience utilities in FX and guitar amps. Last, Elián Domínguez showed "Asidero", the project who obtained the silver medal on the audiovisual category in the Student Recording Competition of the recent AES LAC Conference.
In the third place members of the AES-ECOS section, commanded by their faculty advisor Adrian Rallap, reviewed their 16 year history. Along the talk we enjoyed many milestones: activities, conferences, research, human resources and several miscellanea from one the first student sections in our country, including the construction of an anechoic chamber, a great resource available for all the student members of our community.
Finally, fifteen members of AES-AURAL tell us about their section, from their beginnings to their present projects, along with their organization based on departments of research and development. Along the talk their showed works like the construction of a capacitive microphone with spectral selection capabilities, BRIRs, soundscape design projects using Ambisonics, home studio enhancement and porous absorbers calculation, and the paper presentation of Federico Martin at the recent AES European Convention, called "Sound Localization Training And Auditory Adaptation: A Review".
This way we concluded an unforgettable meeting, a way to celebrate the work done and also to invite possible future new sections to join to this community, along with continuous growing and the new challenges ahead.
Written By: Gustavo Gonzalez, translate: Leandro Rodriguez