Meeting Topic: Product Demonstration
Speaker Name: Will Eggleston, Paul Stewart - Genelec, Inc.
Meeting Location: Genelec, Inc. -Natick, MA
Boston AES Meeting
November 2009
Genelec Demonstration
On Tues. November 10, 2009 the Boston Section of the Audio Engineering Society held their monthly meeting at the Genelec, Inc. facility in Natick, MA. After a brief tour of the facility, the attendees were broken into two groups and rotated between separate presentations given by Marketing Director Will Eggleston and Product Specialist Paul Stewart. While the alternate group was waiting for the main presentation, Paul demonstrated the Genelec 7261A subwoofer and the 8130 digital 2-way monitors for use with smaller computer workstation environments and answered questions about the Genelec product line.
As an introduction, Will Eggleston gave an aural example of music being played through what seemed to be a large sound system behind a screen. It was revealed that the massive sound was being played through their small 6010APM loudspeakers.
He moved on to the focus of the presentation; their new 8260A Three-Way DSP Loudspeaker System. The 8260A incorporates the familiar look of the previous Two-Way designs into a Three-Way configuration using their Minimum Diffraction Coaxial Mid/High driver (MDC™) and is combined for the first time with modern waveguide technology (DWC™). The 8260A features Genelec DSP signal processing responsible for all loudspeaker functions, such as the crossover filters, driver equalizers, driver position alignment, room response alignment, calibration, and equalization related filters as well as distance compensating delays. The Genelec Loudspeaker Manager (GLM) software manages all the functions. Genelec AutoCal™ automated room calibration and sound system alignment method provides consistent and accurate frequency response for a multichannel audio system in widely varying room environments.