
AES Section Meeting Reports

Argentina - April 29, 2021

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On April 29 we had Norberto Villagra in our Webinar Cycle, as part of the recording month in this 2021. His talk is called "Orchestral Recording" and it can be found on
Norberto share a lot of experience and views with a great introduction -conducted by Fernando Bacigalupo- before anything concerned on orchestra recording (above all, how he start working on the recording business.). Afterwards, the "data throwing" began. Here in Argentina we call "orquesta típica" (typical orchestra... the best English translation maybe, not making real justice of what it is really...) as the big tango ensemble. Recording this kind of music with this organic (piano, double bass, 4 bandonions and 4 violins, occasionally viola, cello and singer) is a central part of the traditional recording work here in Buenos Aires, so he introduced the main things of studio production for this kind of groups (planning, riders, graphic instrument dispositions, etc.) to introduce technical stuff (mic positions, acoustical contamination in takes, etc.) at the service of the production needs (vintage vs. modern or hybrid). A lot of information was defined here depending on each case, so the take room graphic layout here is critical in order to satisfy a good ending. Good descriptions of some examples give us a lot of information about it! Also, several considerations on close miking were described, along with acoustical and signal processing considerations, as well as hybrid electronic situations session time optimizations (musician monitoring and premix) concerning also some recording tips using overdubs in this kind of production flow.

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