Meeting Topic: AES Aural Student Section start of the year event (First, and only, face-to-face event of 2020)
Moderator Name: Leandro Rodriguez
Speaker Name: César Lamschtein (VP of AES Latin America) and Iván Markovic (Chairman of the AES Argentina Professional Section).
Other business or activities at the meeting: Disertation and Section meeting
Meeting Location: Aural, CABA, Buenos Aires, Argentina
On Monday, March 2nd, at Aural Audio School, the AES activities of the school and our students section officially began. Opening the 2020 school year, two important dissertations were held.
César Lamschtein (VP of AES Latin America) came from Uruguay to share knowledge, one of the main objectives of our organization. He made us think, learn and enjoy his passionate and particular rhetoric in his talk "The infinite uses of the figure of 8".
Later another reference, Iván Markovic (Chairman of the AES Argentina Professional Section). His invaluable help every time it is needed was and is essential to make visible all the activities carried out by our student sections, and also...He also came to share knowledge! And as if that were not enough, he brought several software control devices from his studio, to show -among other things- how he uses them in his brand new and highly recommended talk "Organization and workflow at the service of mixing."
Finally, the students section had its first meeting of the year. With the always welcome presence of Indio Gauvron and Ezequiel Morfi, the attendees defined the bulk of the action plan for this new year that is beginning, which will be full of activity, growth, passion and commitment. And, also, of course... new members!
Written By: Leandro Rodriguez and Indio Gauvron; translation: Ivan Markovic