Meeting Topic: Start of semester business
Moderator Name: Ian Corbett
Other business or activities at the meeting:
Student Summit at Webster University
Discussion of upcoming tours
T-shirt production
Meeting Location: Audio Engineering Dept, KCKCC, Kansas City, KS, USA.
Election of officers following some student's graduations.
Information was disseminated regarding the Student Summit at Webster University.
Discussion of upcoming tours. 1) Yardley Hall (Feb), 2) KMBC (April?), 3) St Louis (March)!
Update on T-shirt production. We need to "start again"! Goal is to have them by the end of February.
Discussion of lack of success of "in person" meetings due to student schedules & work commitments. Dr. Corbett will set up a Facebook Group page so members can stay up to date and participate when they can't make it to a business/informational meeting in person.