Meeting Topic: Loudspeaker Cabinet Introduction
Moderator Name: Laura Melisa Sánchez
Speaker Name: Manuel Fernando Torres
Other business or activities at the meeting: Upcoming second part conference about Loudspeakers cabinets
Meeting Location: Universidad de San Buenaventura, Bogota, Colombia
Main theme in this conference was the basic principles of loudspeakers cabinets, like, parts of a loudspeakers, frequency response, electrical impedance, among others. This conference started explaining the importance of enclosures for a proper functioning and response of the system because the enclosures prevents soundwaves from cancelling each other and ensure that lower frequencies reproduce correctly. On the other hand, loudspeakers cabinets are used to separate back and front sound waves produced for the speaker and it keeps the front wave of those sound waves without mayor modification. This conference will have a second part of it and the engineer Manuel Torres will level up the currents topics.
Written By: Laura Melisa Sánchez