Meeting Topic: NYC - AES Recap and Other
Moderator Name: Stephanie Pankewich, Matt Bielasiak, Zach Binder, Carlos Marin
Other business or activities at the meeting:
Greet new members of the chapter.
Possibility to submit a budget for the chapter.
Panels of professionals talking about their experience
Voice Overs
Vocal Production/Mixing
Possible college presentations
Dolby Atmos
Ambisonics - Binaural Coding
Networking Possibilities
Stuff we would like to see more:
More genre specific stuff
More Bass stuff
More information on how to codify the meetings for levels of knowledge
Possible Invited guests:
Rob Roy
Gary Gottlieb
Matt's Engineer from Texas
Pablo Reynoso
Roberto Toledo
Submitting Budget form Deadline:
Have to wait for scheduling spaces and times.
Shirts design and order
2 Models, plain in black and colorful with design
Appropriate email response to invitations for volunteering and internships. Risks of loosing interests support from professionals and contacts.
Meeting Location: FAU Studio A, Boca Raton, FL
Written By: Carlos Marin