
AES Section Meeting Reports

Japan - August 10, 2018

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NUA Soundmedia course was established in 2001 as a focus to study music production, recording, and PA/SR at the university of the music faculty, to learn music, technology, and arts in a new era. Once in 2 years from 2007, We had invited Tonmeister from Germany to give a special lecture about recording. In this year summer of 2018, NUA invited Professor Thorsten Weigelt of Tonmeister Course of the Berlin University of the Arts, who came to Japan for AES International Conference in Japan. In addition, this lecture was held as an open lecture, mainly for students but also audio companies and audio professionals and also as AES regular meeting.

Prof. Weigelt graduated from Berlin University of the Arts Tonmeister Course in 2001 and after graduation, he worked for various recordings as a Tonmeister for classical music recording. In 2011 he started teaching in Udk as professor. A focus of his work from the beginning is the production for surround formats. Very early he started working with 3D audio formats, especially in Auro 3D. In this lecture, details of the production method of various works from trial production of the first Auro 3D in 2011 UdK Berlin to the latest trial of 2017 Gabriel Fauré Requiem in Concert recording at Berlin Cathedral were presented. Aesthetic ideas were discussed and various approaches to sound design and technical realization were presented.

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