
AES Section Meeting Reports

Toronto - May 31, 2016

Meeting Topic:

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Speaker Name:

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Meeting Location:


Jim Boutillier was the host and gave a brief background about the LIVELab facilities. He introduced each speaker before their presentation. It's worth noting the room was so quiet that none of the speakers spoke with mics or any amplification.

This meeting was in two parts. The first introduced the researchers and gave the audience members background about the technologies.

Dr. Ranil Sonnadara gave an overview of the methods used for studying the enhancement of audience enjoyment, by way of technology, to increase audience engagement in creative performances. Livelab is a 100 seat research concert hall.

His presentation included photos of the various facilities onsite.

Research outcomes include improving health, increase understanding, optimize training, and develop new products. Some current projects include performance engagements and audience arousal.

Dr. Dan Bosnyak discussed the actual construction of the building aided by slides. The concert room passes the NC-10 curve. Meyer had to buy new microphones to able to do testing.

He then described how experiments are conducted in the facility, the technology and systems installed in the facility purposely designed to study the neuroscienceso of human interaction in a musical context. Although functioning for two years, they still haven't collected enough data to come to any conclusions.

Dr. Ian Bruce provided an evaluation of hearing aids in realistic, complex listening environments.

A question period ended the first half. To allow the audience to partake of the refreshments, the questions were continued informally in the break area.

After a break, the second part introduced the Meyer Sound's Constellation Acoustic System and offered live demonstrations.

Jerry Placken, John Pellowe and Pierre Germain from Meyer Sound discussed the history, development and application of the Constellation system, starting with a brief history of variable acoustics and electro-acoustic systems.

John Pellowe introduced Franck Fabry, Pierre Germain and Jerry Placken.

The surprise of the evening was that the Constellation system was running all the time, during the presentation, in voice mode. Through software John Pellowe was able to dial in different hall effects, much like dialing in different reverbs in a mix session, but in an actual live space.

Next, Meyer Sound's and LIVELab's history with the Variable Room Acoustics System (VRAS) developed with Dr. Mark Poletti was discussed, as was the development of the Constellation system.

The presentation included an overview of in-line and non-inline systems, system design methodology, system components and Meyer Sound Services.

An explanation of the types of Constellation systems including Constellation Performance, Constellation Voice Lift and Constellation Acoustic Focus was next on topic list.

Pierre Germain looked at the scientific end of the Constellation System.

Further discussion mentioned the additional integrated and 3rd party system options such as multi-channel surround, cinema, PA and video conferencing.

A sample of existing Constellation systems including the system in LIVELab was presented.

At the conclusion of the meeting, a live demonstration by the Cecilia string quartet allowed attendees to experience the Constellation system again.

Finally, John invited attendees to come on the stage and 'play around' with the system.

Frank gave all the presenters Toronto AES certificates of appreciation to at the close of the meeting.

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