Meeting Topic: A Tour of the New Site, AES Membership: What's in it for Me?
Moderator Name: Jeff Bamford
Speaker Name: Peter Cook, VP Eastern Region
Other business or activities at the meeting:
An election was held for the section officers for the 2009/2010 and 2010/2011 seasons. The following members were acclaimed:
For Chair, Sy Potma,
For Vice-Chair - Bob Breen,
For Recording Secretary, Jeff Bamford
For Treasurer, Michael Borlace
For Membership Secretary, Keith Gordon.
Meeting Location: Eaton Lecture Theatre, Rogers Communication Bldg, Ryerson University, Toronto, ON, Canada
Our presenter for the evening was Peter Cook, VP Eastern Region. Peter's presentation was on the new AES website and what benefits it offered to members. The goal of the website redesign was to make a website that was easy to navigate and find information.
The website redesign was a project of the Web Development committee which consisted of AES Webmaster Steve Johnson, committee chair Nick Zacharov and two AES members living in Toronto: Peter Cook and former AES Student Delegate Assembly, Chair Josh Tidsbury.
Peter started the talk with a review of the AES website from 1996 website, the Toronto Section's website from 1995 and the 2007 AES website.
Peter stressed that a lot of time was spent on the back end systems. The goal being a stable platform from which to build a better website. He noted that the Student Delegate Assembly website was launched in February 2007 and this acted as a catalyst for the main website redesign.
In relation to some of the newer "web 2.0" applications, Peter reported that a Wiki is being looked into and there is now an AES presence for Twitter and Facebook.
Peter closed his discussion by showing some of the features of the member profile, the iTunes podcasts and RSS feeds.