
AES Section Meeting Reports

Syracuse University - September 17, 2017

Meeting Topic:

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First AES Syracuse Meeting in Fall 2017

President Ryan stated that opening position, which is the vice president of the leaderboard, needs to be elected. After the vote, Noah was elected to be the vice president of the AES Syracuse.

After discussing about coming down to NYC for the AES invention, all present 12 members showed interests going. The funds for transportation and food haven't been completely solved. However, at least 3 members said that they are able to drive some members with them to NYC or even stay in their house for few nights.

Also, Paul McCartney concert on Sept. 23rd is coming. There would be pre-celebration students live show happening before the concert. The location is decided to be on Quad, in front of HBC. Starting from 9 am on 23rd, Ryan and members of AES Syracuse will build up the stage and set up equipment along with students from music industry major. This could be an excellent hands-on experience for AES members who are interested in working on live music.

Talking about other coming up plans, Noah would like to bring someone he worked with in Electric Lady Studio in NYC to come and give a guest speaking. Time and person still need to be considered.

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