
AES Section Meeting Reports

District of Columbia - June 15, 2017

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The combined meeting of the newly reformed AES Washington D.C. section along with the D.C. sections of SBE and SMPTE was an overwhelming success. With over 50 attendees at WETA in Arlington, Virginia, including 19 AES members, it was a great collaboration between overlapping organizations in an area with a thriving and diverse audio presence.

The meeting began at 6PM with dinner provided by Dolby and networking, followed by brief remarks from each organization at 6:30. Former SDA Chair Steven Van Dyne, who has been instrumental in the relaunch of the D.C. Section, represented AES in the remarks. He struck an optimistic note about getting the section up and running again, reminded members about the forensics event taking place in Arlington and about our new facebook page, and previewed our next event, a tour of Blue Room Studios in Virginia on August 9th.

Steven then ran down the slate of officers who were on the ballot, including Michael Ducassoux and Adam Olson for Chair, Tre Kennedy and Christian Amonson for Vice Chair, Brett Takacs for Treasurer, and Gary Gottlieb for Secretary. We appreciate all who ran, and we all hope everyone will stay involved regardless of who wins this time.

At 6:45 Anywave provided an informational overview of ATSC 3.0, including a brief demo. At 7:15 Dolby provided an entertaining and informative description of AC-4 and ATMOS, followed by an short yet interesting demo. After a brief Q&A session the official combined meeting was adjourned at 8PM, and AES members congregated to cast our ballots before returning to networking and socializing.

Our new section leaders are:

Chair - Michael Ducassoux
Vice Chair - Tre Kennedy
Treasurer - Brett Takacs
Secretary - Gary Gottlieb

Humbly submitted,
Gary Gottlieb

AES members in attendance:

Michael Ducassoux
Tre Kennedy
Gary Gottlieb
Steven Van Dyne
Bob Troutman
Mike Rivers
Christian Amonson
Dan Shores
Fred Willard
Joel Conrad
Lon Henrickson
Daniel Ceo
Eric Winniker
Scott Dargan
Steve Densmore
Harry Benavides
Todd McCormack
Karl Jackson
Nick Canovas

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More About District of Columbia Section

AES - Audio Engineering Society