Moderator Name: Argentina section
Speaker Name: Alfredo García Tau, Lucas Gómez, Leandro Lacerna, Luciano Lucerna, Guillermo Mandrafina, Marcelo Suraniti, "Camacho" Cagliero, "Colo" Itelman, "Toro" Martínez, Carlos Nolan, Pablo Peyrano, Mario Breuer, Gustavo Fourcade, Diego "Warrior" Guerrero, Brian Iele, Carlos Laurenz, Andrés Mayo, Ezequiel Morfi and "Cana" San Martin.
Other business or activities at the meeting: Event only
Meeting Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Thursday, April 20th saw the AES Argentine Section's "Second Multi-Disciplinary Event" take place at the Centro Cultural "Caras & Caretas" in the form of three panels devoted to artistic production, live sound and mastering respectively and conformed by experts and specialists.
"The New Faces Among Argentine's Producers" was the first of these where the well-known Alfredo García Tau, Lucas Gómez, Leandro Lacerna, Luciano Lucerna, Guillermo Mandrafina y Marcelo Suraniti, all shared their techniques and usual practices by means of playing to the audience audio tracks of their works' "before and after".
"Live Sound — Analogue vs Digital" followed. In this panel experienced engineers "Camacho" Cagliero, "Colo" Itelman, "Toro" Martínez, Carlos Nolan y Pablo Peyrano, rambled on about the old and new technologies being used regularly for shows and concerts.
Lastly, another edition of the "Great Mastering Panel", starring Mario Breuer, Gustavo Fourcade, Diego "Warrior" Guerrero, Brian Iele, Carlos Laurenz, Andrés Mayo, Ezequiel Morfi y "Cana" San Martin. The lot went on to debate about various topics including but not limited to: distortion, stems, subtractive EQ, selective-band compression, MS processing and limiting.
In between the three panels, members of S.A.T.E., Sindicato Argentino de Técnicos Escénicos, and of A.A.T.I.A., Asociación Argentina de Técnicos e Ingenieros de Audio, came up on stage to talk about the goals in each of their associations.
The Second Multi-Disciplinary Event started at noon with a full house and came to an end past 9 pm after a round of Q&A from the audience.
Written By: Rocío Saya, translated by: Ezequiel Morfi