
AES Section Meeting Reports

Toronto - April 28, 2009

Meeting Topic:

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Other business or activities at the meeting:

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Have you experienced the joys and perils of crystal sync, mag film, Moviolas, sprocketed recorders, 20 minute single pass mix reels, murky slash prints, the art of invisible boom mic placement, optical tracks, studios that sounded like barns, and multi-person mixing consoles the size of the bridge of a battleship?

Whether these are distant memories or an exotic world of specialized audio professionals, the meeting took us through the decades of Toronto's film, and video, sound industry with our panels of experienced practitioners. From Nagra and Magnatech to hard drive and Pro-tools, we discussed how the art and craft of media sound has advanced with the technology.

Panels featured:

Production sound recordists: John Thomson, Reynald Trudel and Peter Shewchuk
Sound editor/sound designers: Peter Thillaye, David Rose and Mike Nunan
Mixers: Joe and Austin Grimaldi and Keith Elliot
Moderator was Jim Cox

Panel #1 dealt with Production Sound, dialogue & location sound

Panel #2 focused on the film Heavy Metal and a glimpse into Post in Toronto in the 80s.

Panel #3 discuessed Mixing for Film, specifically the recent Paul Gross film Passhendaele, the largest budget Canadian film ever.

Panel #4 focused on post sound for TV, featuring a talk by Mike Nunan, head of Post Sound for CTV.

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AES - Audio Engineering Society