
AES Section Meeting Reports

Argentina - May 20, 2016

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On May 20th 2016, at the National University of Quilmes (Buenos Aires, Argentina), AES Argentina Section Chairman Juan 'Cana' San Martin and Ezequiel Morfi presented us once again with their "Behind The Mastering" Series. This edition was dedicated to "mastering for electroacoustic music", since the University currently holds a career with a degree on this subject.

With free entry and boasting over 50 attendees the event kicked off with a quick overview of the AES and its contribution to the scientific and educational community. The first topic of the presentation went on about human hearing and its logarithmic perception followed by a demonstration of the several techniques to eliminate unwanted frequencies and enhance others through technical processes such as filters, de-essers and dynamic equalizers.

The second part of the presentation approached distortion and non-linearities in hardware and software processors and its uses to create psychoacoustic phenomena useful for improving audio, music, and its emotional impact. The focus was set on how to take advantage of the harmonic and intermodulation distortion usually present in equalizers and compressors.

Once again AES Argentina would like to thank the National University of Quilmes for this opportunity. We're looking forward to meeting again at the "JAM Tec 2017".

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