Meeting Topic: Recording Competition
Moderator Name: Ana Maria Reyes, María Cecilia Ayalde
Speaker Name: Pedro Rovetto, Esteban Parra, Mathias Krieger
Meeting Location: Centro Ático, Pontificia Universidad Javerina
On Thursday April 14th AES Javeriana recording competition took place at Centro Atico's A studio. This competition had three categories for which students had about a month to submit their work. Then the recordings were sent to the jurors: Pedro Rovetto, Mathias Krieger and Esteban Parra, who evaluated the recordings one week earlier. Then they met the day of competition to deliberate and choose the winners for each category. The day of the competition there was a moment of work socialization , in which fragments of each of the recordings were played so that all the attendees were aware of the recordings.
The first category was for acoustic recording. The winner of this category was Daniela Varela, who recorded an ensemble of clarinets. Feedback for this work was given. In addition, some general tips that could serve all participants at the time of recording were also given. Among them, the most mentioned was the proper handling of noise so that it does not interfere with the recording process. In addition, the recommendation of having microphones in many locations as possible in order to have several sound perspectives from which to choose from was made.
For the second category the winner was Alfredo Neira. As with the previous category, feedback for this work and some aspects of other recordings were mentioned. In this category the advice had to do with having a good balance of the frequency spectrum so that each instrument can be clearly identified. Below is an image where the judges appear giving their feedback to students who attended the event:
The winner of the third category was Camilo Manchego. This category in particular had several issues to discuss. From the winning project, the judges highlighted the high level of musical production and attention to detail. Overall, the use of clip gain to achieve a better dynamic range in the mix was discussed. Besides this, students talked about which microphones they used and how certain equipment or techniques may work better for certain things. Jurors also spoke about the importance of having references when making any production so that the end result is consistent with the style you want to achieve.
Finally, a ranking of the three winners from the 3 categories was decided: first: Alfredo Neira, second: Camilo Manchego and thirdly: Daniela Varela.
Written By: Andrea Catalina Martinez Prieto