Meeting Topic: Acoustics Wizard Gavin Haverstick
Moderator Name: Michael France
Speaker Name: Gavin Haverstick
Other business or activities at the meeting: We talked about sweeps (frequency changes) for acoustics design and also spoke about software discounts for AES members. The software we looked at was FuzzMeasure.
Meeting Location: Schoonover Center- Ohio University: Athens, OH
The School of Media Arts & Studies and The Ohio University Section of the Audio Engineering Society welcomes renown acoustical designer and engineer Gavin Haverstick for an interactive presentation session on Thursday, November 12th at 7:30PM.
A long-time members of the Audio Engineering Society, Gavin runs a full-service acoustical consulting firm and has analyzed and designed a shocking number of rooms with many facilities profiled by MIX Magazine. Haverstick Designs has been involved in the acoustical design/analysis of over 5,000 challenging spaces including recording studios, houses of worship, home theaters, gymnasiums, restaurants, conference rooms, edit suites, museums and industrial facilities.
During our time together, Gavin will discuss some practical acoustics & explain what math should really matter to you as an audio engineer. All student are invited to this AES meeting which will take place in Schoonover 448 and we'l be working from acoustical sweeps our our new MPRI facilities. During the meeting we'll also show you how to perform these basic tests and talk about career options in acoustics.
Written By: Sean Lally