Meeting Topic: Planning for the 139th AES convention
Speaker Name: SWC Section Officers
Other business or activities at the meeting: This meeting was our very first to be recorded for a podcast. We also started the meeting with a short ice breaker before we started discussing how to register for AES, in addition to having a critical talk about paying the membership fee. Lastly, we discussed our tentative plans for the AES 139th convention in New York.
Meeting Location: Southwestern College - Room 854
As we are getting settled in this new year, we expect our new members to show up to our meetings and to pay off their membership fees. Our section Vice President, Julianne, showed everyone on an overhead projection how to register on the AES website. We went step by step, making sure all questions were answered for those that struggled in the registration process.
We were very excited for this meeting because it was our first meeting to be recorded for a podcast. However, we were even more excited to let our fellow members know that we plan on competing in the Recording and Design competition for the 139th convention. Due to our diversity in skill level, we hope to pair people up in groups so that we all have a shot, thus narrowing it down to the best sounding productions.
Though we are understanding about financial situations, the officers are encouraging members to book their accommodations for the convention as soon as possible. Prices are lower at this time of year, however, we do have seven months left. We discussed alternatives for the members to pick such as booking through Airbnb (as a group) for a place to stay and Virgin Airlines for a cheaper flight ticket. Seeing as we are trying to resurrect this student section, we can't say for sure who will step up to join us in this adventure to New York. All in all, we truly hope every member/future member decides to join us for a memorable experience.
Written By: Austin Aragon