Meeting Topic: Object-Based Audio, the Future of Broadcast?
Moderator Name: Jack Kelly
Speaker Name: Dr. Frank Melchior, Lead Technologist-Audio at BBC Research & Development
Other business or activities at the meeting: N/A
Meeting Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
The audio research group at BBC R&D has for the past four years been developing the next generation of audio for broadcast. Working with academic partners in the BBC Audio Research Partnership, the group has created novel audience experiences based on new forms of audio content representations. This work has led to the launch of large-scale funded projects involving a significant number of researchers and international industrial partners.
Dr. Melchior outlined a number of public trials around object-based audio and binaural experiences which demonstrated his vision of the future of broadcast. His presentation concentrated on the audience experience, but also detailed the technological challenges from a content provider perspective. In addition to the latest research results from the BBC and its academic partners, the talk highlighted four projects in depth:
-An interactive web-based football broadcast, which includes the ability to adjust the level of commentary versus background.
-An immersive radio drama, produced in stereo, surround and immersive audio versions based on a single mix.
-An object-based binaural production system, used to create and deliver a binaural experience to the audience, receiving very positive feedback.
-A variable-length documentary, whose duration can be adjusted without compromising on the quality of the storytelling.
Written By: Jack Kelly