Meeting Topic: AES Meeting Notes
Moderator Name: Brian Skeel
Speaker Name: Brian Skeel - Chair
Meeting Location: Capital University - Studio A
AES Meeting Notes: 2.3.14
Members present:
Brian Skeel
Tom Greenwood
Jesse Harmon
Matt Heim
Zac Holley
Tim Sauter
The meeting started by commenting on Luke Matyas' Tech Night from last week. We then went into the future of the organization and strategies to maintain numbers and interest. It has become apparent that many of our events are perceived by the Capital student body as AES member exclusive. We need to make it absolutely clear that anyone is welcome to these events. We're also going to start advertising both our events and the organization visually, by means of flyers and possibly ads for EMF assignments. Registration will no longer be required for our Tech Nights, as we are interested in getting as many people to attend while having them jump through as few hoops as possible.
We had discussions on additional promotional material. There is new interest of AES t-shirt, white on black, logo on front, and signal flow on the back. Any member can purchase one, and we will attempt to coordinate a day where all members wear their t-shirts at the same time. We also discussed using a printer to slap our logo on mini Frisbees, iPhone cases, and anything else we can think of to hand out at campus visit days and Music Tech Day.
A few events were mentioned. Jesse reminded us of the Indiana AES Conference, which is occurring on the 22nd of February. Please contact him if you are interested in going. He will be driving a van and has room for several people to join him. Gearfest 2014 was mentioned, as members of AES represented our school last year at the event at Sweetwater. This event will be happening on June 6th and 7th, but will likely need setup time on the 5th. We also want to get the group together just to hang out, as we are a group of like-minded people and should have time to socialize.
Additional ideas were kicked around, including a revisit of the Mix-Off idea. We want to record a band, and hand off the files to students (and quite possibly prospective students) for a prize. There would be a $5 entry fee, and the contest would likely pay for itself. Zac will be promoting the group via his WXCU radio show.
We will be having elections for new officers in three months, so start thinking now if you want to be more active in AES. We will have positions open for Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Webmaster, Mentorship Coordinator, and Alumni Coordinator. All that is required to run is that you are up to date on your AES membership dues, you provide written intent of your running for office, and a brief bio about yourself and why you believe you would be a good fit for the position.
Written By: Brian Skeel