Members of the AES Austrian section, experiencing the effects of an artistic ambisonics installation by walking through the "CUBE" at the IEM in Graz.
Meeting Topic: Joint AES-AAA-Meeting
Moderator Name: Alois Sontacchi, Piotr Majdak
Speaker Name: Dr. Alois Sontacchi
Other business or activities at the meeting:
General assembly, elections, presentation of the new design of the section website. The event was concluded by a buffet sponsored by JOANNEUM RESEARCH
Forschungsgesellschaft mbH, Graz.
Meeting Location: Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics, IEM Cube, University of Music and Performing Arts Graz (KUG)
The joint meeting of the AES Austrain Section and the Austrian Acoustics Association was organised in the "CUBE" of the Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics, University of Music and Performing Arts in Graz. This room is equipped with a hemisphere consisting of several loudspeakers, that allows reproduction of three-dimensional soundfields following ambisonic principles.
The presentation gave an excellent overview of 40 years of coincident recording yield ambisonics, and outlined the developments of the last 15 years of ambisonics research concerning recording and production of (higher order) ambisonics technology at the IEM in Graz. Various research projects, as well as artistic installations are the impressive outcome of thislong-term focus of the institute.
At the end the audience was presented various listening demonstrations, including an artistic installation, which was best experienced when walking around in the room.
Written By: Nadja Wallaszkovits