
AES Section Meeting Reports

Boston - April 23, 2013

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On Tues. April 23, 2013 the Boston Section of the Audio Engineering Society featured a presentation called "Monitor Setups in Small Rooms" by Paul Stewart at Devlin Hall on the Boston College Campus.

Small production rooms can present big challenges regarding the placing of equipment, traffic flow and most importantly, speaker positioning. Yet more and more production work is being produced in these environments and the results vary widely among these environments.

Paul started by outlining basic issues with Control Room Monitoring and presented an overview of the many problematic situations he has faced. He talked about the software which he uses to measure the response of rooms and described the process of making rooms measurements. He possessed in-depth knowledge and experience, and expressed some regret that he did not have pictures to visually explain all the rooms has he worked in.

The main question he proposed: "What is the purpose and layout of the room being used?" Symmetry is an important aspect regarding a consistent sound field. Using room response charts and filter curves he showed examples of bumps and dips in room frequency response due to the dimensions, equipment placement and non-symmetry.

A twenty-year veteran in the audio production business, Paul Stewart has extensive practical experience in audio monitor system set up and room tuning. For the last eight years working with the award-winning Genelec, Paul has tuned some of the most important monitoring systems in the world including CNN, Turner, ESPN, CBS News and countless other music production studios. Paul brings a unique awareness and understanding to real working environments and challenges to achieving the optimal monitoring setup.

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