Meeting Topic: Past, present and future of sound in Spain: reflections on the current situation
Moderator Name: Michel Martin (AES Spanish Section's Committee), Suso Ramallo (AES Spanish Section's President)
Speaker Name: Juan de Dios, Ángel Martos, Fernando Díaz, Juan Hidalgo, Michel Martín (AES Spanish Section's Committee) and Suso Ramallo (AES Spanish Section's President)
Meeting Location: CICE, Escuela Profesional de Nueva Tecnologías (Professional School of New Technologies)
Last Monday, June 10, at 5:00 pm it could follow in direct via streaming from our website: a panel discussion called "Reflections on the current situation of the sector", the first of a cycle that we have called "Past, present and future of sound in Spain".
For those who might not follow it live, the event was recorded and can be seen on the web.
These discussion panels are intended to be a meeting point to reflect on the current situation, generate opinion and open debate which out initiatives and conclusions so that we can advance in that sense.
We want to be a space for debate and critical thinking to improve action.
We offered live chat and the public also had the opportunity to participate.
Written By: Juan Carlos Díez