Néstor Stazzoni and Carlos Boffa (upper left), Natalia Sotelo and Martín Díaz Velez(upper right), Ezequiel Morfi(down left), Indio Gauvron (down right)
Meeting Topic: AES Argentina - 1st 2013 Educational Event
Moderator Name: Indio Gauvron
Speaker Name: Néstor Stazzoni, Carlos Boffa, Ezequiel Morfi, Indio Gauvron
Other business or activities at the meeting: Conference and product presentation
Meeting Location: Avellaneda, Buenos Aires, Argentina
The AES Argentina Section kicked off 2013 last Thursday 25th at the E.C.O.S. Sound Institute in Buenos Aires with a fully-attended audio event consisting of three main acts.
To get it started, Carlos Boffa and Néstor Stazzoni, members of the +4 Audio Video group representing brands such as FOCAL Professional and PMI Audio Group in Argentina, displayed many of their main products. They gave a full presentation on their new FOCAL SM9 studio monitor, while also displaying all different microphone models by brand Studio Projects at ECOS's recording studio. Assistants to the event had full access to the products exhibited for comparison.
Later on, Ezequiel Morfi gave a presentation entitled '10 records you must hear before mastering a record'. He led the crowd through a selection of ten landmark albums in the history of mastering, spanning the different formats, media and remasters, and putting names to the corresponding engineers, musical genres and the infamous 'loudness war' issue.
Finally, Indio Gauvron entertained the audience with his '101 books to read before moving a fader'. His lecture went on through all the available bibliography on audio in all its fields: acoustics, recording, live sound, and so on. The most interesting part was his personal review of the different reading formats: books, magazines, journals, notes, articles, publications, and the use of each particular one. To spice up the lecture, some examples of common errors found in these publications were shown; other topics discussed included basic manuals vs. serious publishings and the role of the writer, editor, proof-reader and publisher. There was also mention of the old and classic writings, although not directly connected to audio, but in one way or another being a fundamental part of the field.
We would like to thank the E.C.O.S. AES Student Section for sharing its facilities to make this event a success, and also Nestor Stazzoni and Carlos Boffa from +4 Audio Video group for their continuing support to the AES Argentina Section.
Written By: Lic. Ivan Markovic, Alejandro Goldstein, Ezequiel Morfi