Meeting Topic: MSCM/Great River Electronics Mic Pre Construction
Moderator Name: Thomas Day
Meeting Location: MSCM, St. Paul, MN USA
A.E.S. McNally Smith College of Music Student Chapter
Meeting Notes 1-22-13
5:00 P.M.
Main Topics:
-Great River Pre-Amp Project
—Continued progress on the construction of the Great River McNally Smith microphone preamplifier.
—Construction is broken down into five assembly steps with appropriate soldering in between steps.
—Smallest parts are assembled first in the proper position on the board and then soldered to the main board, followed by the next group of larger components.
—Component/step order is as follows:
1. Resistors
2. Diodes
3. Capactiors
4. Semi-Conductors
5. Mechanicals
—Most students are either on step one or have finished step 1 and are soldering on the resistors.
**Chris Blood has expressed interest in purchasing one of the mic pres. However, a student is needed to construct the pre. Students who are currently not building a pre or would like to build a second should contact Chris Blood. This would be a great opportunity to still participate in the mic pre project if you were previously inhibited by price or scheduling.
MS AES Secretary
Kyle Primus
Meeting Notes 1-22-13
Written By: Kyle Primus