Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences - United States (AZ)
Song Placement in Television, Film Music Libraries, and More - 2025-2-3
Boston - United States (MA)
BAES Officers monthly meeting plus Committee - 2025-1-29
Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences - United States (AZ)
Milab Microphones X CRAS - 2025-1-27
Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences - United States (AZ)
Harnessing Generative AI for Songwriting Success - 2025-1-23
Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences - United States (AZ)
AES Monday Night Meeting - 2025-1-22
Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences - United States (AZ)
MusicTeam x CRAS - 2025-1-20
Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences - United States (AZ)
AES Monday Night Meeting - 2025-1-15
Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences - United States (AZ)
AES Monday Night Meeting - 2025-1-7
Visit to the Acoustics and Electroacoustics Laboratory (LACEAC) of the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Buenos Aires - 2024-12-18
Melbourne - Australia
50th Anniversary Dinner - 2024-12-9
Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences - United States (AZ)
AES Monday Night Meeting - 2024-12-9
Elon University Section - United States (NC)
AES Carolinas Virtual Meeting - Updates and Upcoming Events - 2024-12-7
Hamburg Student - Germany
Joint Meeting AES/VDT and Christmas party at Sound Lab HAW Hamburg - 2024-12-6
Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences - United States (AZ)
CRAS Focusrite Takeover! - 2024-12-2
Webster University - United States (MO)
November Monthly Update - 2024-12-1
Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences - United States (AZ)
AES Monday Night Meeting - 2024-11-25
Austrian - Austria
Vortrag Karl M. Slavik: "Audiokabel - wo endet Physik, wo beginnt schwarze Magie?", General Meeting 2024 - 2024-11-21
Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences - United States (AZ)
AES Monday Night Meeting - 2024-11-18
San Diego - United States (CA)
San Diego State University Sound Lab - 2024-11-15
Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences - United States (AZ)
AES Monday Night Meeting - 2024-11-11
Instituto Terciario TAMABA - Argentina
AES-TAMABA Participated in the VI Rioplatense Audio Gathering - 2024-11-7
AES ARGENTINA at the VI Rioplatense Audio Gathering - 2024-11-5
Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences - United States (AZ)
AES Monday Night Meeting - 2024-11-4
AES Argentina at CAPER SHOW 2024: Technology, Innovation, and Scientific Outreach in Audio - 2024-10-31
Webster University - United States (MO)
October Monthly Update - 2024-10-31
Carolinas - US
Business Meeting and Elections - 2024-10-31
AES Argentina Participated in the 2024 Edition of Argentina Guitar-Con - 2024-10-27
Instituto Terciario TAMABA - Argentina
VII AES-TAMABA Audio Event - 2024-10-24
Pacific Northwest - United States (WA)
AES Conventions, Past, Present, Future - 2024-10-23
Greek - Greece
Annual Section Meeting - 2024-10-18
Instituto Terciario TAMABA - Argentina
The AES-TAMABA Student Section at the 155th AES Convention in New York - 2024-10-8
Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences - United States (AZ)
AES Monday Night Meeting - 2024-10-7
AES Argentina at Astor Piazzolla Conservatory - 2024-9-30
Pacific Northwest - United States (WA)
Live Sound Improvements at Dimitriou's Jazz Alley - 2024-9-30
Webster University - United States (MO)
August/September Monthly Update - 2024-9-30
Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences - United States (AZ)
Jeff Harris Re-Amp Build - 2024-9-30
Instituto Terciario TAMABA - Argentina
AES-TAMABA at WorkShow 2024 - 2024-9-27
Austrian - Austria
Vortrag Johannes Ziegler: "Fahrzeugsoundsysteme und deren klangliche Abstimmung" - 2024-9-26
AES Argentina at WorkShow 2024 - 2024-9-24
Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences - United States (AZ)
AES Monday Meeting: How to Master Google-Fu - 2024-9-23
Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences - United States (AZ)
CRAS AES x Audio Technica: Immersive Audio - 2024-9-18
Boston - United States (MA)
BAES Officers monthly meeting plus Committee September 17th 2024 - 2024-9-17
Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences - United States (AZ)
AES Monday Night Meeting - 2024-9-16
Incorporating Dolby Atmos In Audio Courses in Malaysia - 2024-9-14
SCAD Student Section - United States (GA)
Plans for 2024-2025 school year - 2024-9-13
Instituto Terciario TAMABA - Argentina
AES-TAMABA at AES LAC 2024 - 2024-9-12
AES Argentina at the AES LAC 2024 - La Paz, Bolivia - 2024-9-10
Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences - United States (AZ)
AES Monday Night Meeting: Guitar Session! - 2024-9-10
Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences - United States (AZ)
AES Monday Night Meeting: Guitar Microphone Techniques - 2024-9-2
Third Argentinian Audio Event in Córdoba - 2024-8-30
Carolinas - US
Nominations/Upcoming Events - 2024-8-28
AES-Estudio Urbano Sound Gathering - 2024-8-27
Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences - United States (AZ)
AES Monday Night Meeting - 2024-8-26
Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences - United States (AZ)
32 Sounds with OG - 2024-8-19
Atlanta - United States (GA)
Auburn University Recording Studio Tour - 2024-8-17
Second AES CEPSA UNLa Audio Symposium - 2024-8-16
Boston - United States (MA)
August Monthly Section Committee Meeting - 2024-8-16
Melbourne - Australia
AVIXA Audio Standards. - 2024-8-12
Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences - United States (AZ)
AES Monday Night Meeting, "Making Waves" Documentary - 2024-8-12
Second Argentinian Audio Workshop - 2024-8-10
Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences - United States (AZ)
AES Monday Night Meeting - 2024-8-5
San Francisco - United States (CA)
Dolby x AESSF - Experience music in Dolby Atmos @ Dolby San Francisco Headquarters - 2024-7-31
Instituto Terciario TAMABA - Argentina
Weekly Meeting: Progress on the Professional Microphone Assembly Project - 2024-7-30
Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences - United States (AZ)
AES Monday Night Meeting - 2024-7-29
Atlanta - United States (GA)
EQ Shootout - 2024-7-25
Indiana - United States (IN)
Inside the Mark Cuban Center for Sports Media & Technology at IU-Bloomington - 2024-7-24
Instituto Terciario TAMABA - Argentina
Weekly Meeting: Presentation of Audio Plugin Developed by Student Bartolomé Serra - 2024-7-23
Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences - United States (AZ)
AES Monday Night Meeting - 2024-7-22
Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences - United States (AZ)
AES Monday Night Meeting - 2024-7-15
Instituto Terciario TAMABA - Argentina
Maxi Forestieri's Masterclass - 2024-7-11
Boston - United States (MA)
July Committee Meeting - 2024-7-10
Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences - United States (AZ)
AES Monday Night Meeting - 2024-7-1
Instituto Terciario TAMABA - Argentina
Visit from Ezequiel Morfi at the Last Meeting of the First Semester - 2024-7-1
Instituto Terciario TAMABA - Argentina
Masterclass "Introduction to Mastering" by Ezequiel Morfi - 2024-7-1
"Virtual Mixing with the BP3600 Immersive Microphone and the SPAT Revolution" - 2024-6-27
Carolinas - US
Business Meeting/Presentation - 2024-6-26
Pacific Northwest - United States (WA)
An Evening with Adam Dorn, AKA Mocean Worker - 2024-6-25
Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences - United States (AZ)
AES Monday Night Meeting/JUST DANCE! - 2024-6-24
Melbourne - Australia
The specialist bell design process - 2024-6-17
Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences - United States (AZ)
AES Monday Night Meeting - 2024-6-17
Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences - United States (AZ)
AES Monday Night Meeting - 2024-6-10
Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences - United States (AZ)
AES Monday Night Meeting - 2024-6-3
Instituto Terciario TAMABA - Argentina
We Participated RF Certification - 2024-5-31
International Seminar on Artificial Intelligence Applied to Audio and Human Voice - 2024-5-29
Philadelphia - United States (PA)
Dolby Atmos 2024 Presents Women In Atmos featuring Grammy Nominated Artists Natalia Schlesinger & Carolyn Malachi - 2024-5-29
Pacific Northwest - United States (WA)
Studies from the Studio - Staying (somewhat) Sane in Insane Places - 2024-5-29
Carolinas - US
Business Meeting/Presentation - 2024-5-29
Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences - United States (AZ)
AES Monday Night Meeting - 2024-5-27
Austrian - Austria
Vortrag Stefan Ledergerber: "Phasenstabilität bei Audio-Netzwerken" - 2024-5-23
SCAD Student Section - United States (GA)
Recording Competition Awards and Screenings - 2024-5-22
Danish - Denmark
Audio by HARMAN - 2024-5-21
St. Louis - United States (MO)
St. Louis AES Section Regular Meeting May 20 - 2024-5-20
Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences - United States (AZ)
AES Monday Night Meeting - 2024-5-20
Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences - United States (AZ)
SoundRadix: Unphase the Haze - 2024-5-19
Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences - United States (AZ)
Finding Your Guides and the Realities of the Music Industry - 2024-5-16
Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences - United States (AZ)
AES Monday Night: Keki Johnson QLab Demo - 2024-5-13
Instituto Terciario TAMABA - Argentina
AES-TAMABA will compete in the AES Madrid 2024 Student Recording Competition - 2024-5-13
Instituto Terciario TAMABA - Argentina
AES-TAMABA Research Group's First Activity: Measurement of Rt60 - 2024-5-10
Instituto Terciario TAMABA - Argentina
MasterClass "Acoustic Design and Treatment for Home Studios" - 2024-5-7
Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences - United States (AZ)
AES Monday Night Meeting - 2024-5-6
Music Production Workshop, Sound Design for Film, and Acoustic Design AES LA METRO - 2024-5-2
Boston - United States (MA)
BAES Officers monthly meeting plus Committee - 2024-5-2
Philadelphia - United States (PA)
Dolby Atmos 2024 Presents Richard Whittaker UK Immersive Engineer for The Who's Quadrophenia and Robin Trower's Bridge of Sighs - 2024-4-30
Webster University - United States (MO)
April Monthly Update - 2024-4-30
Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences - United States (AZ)
Sony 360 Reality Audio - 2024-4-30
Instituto Terciario TAMABA - Argentina
Sharing the Processes Involved in Each Mix - 2024-4-29
Carolinas - US
Business Meeting/Presentation - 2024-4-24
Pacific Northwest - United States (WA)
Recording the Boston Symphony Orchestra - 2024-4-23
Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences - United States (AZ)
AES Monday Night Meeting - 2024-4-23
Nashville - United States (TN)
Spring Mixer - student mixing competition - 2024-4-19
SCAD Student Section - United States (GA)
Plunderphonics Sampling Demo - 2024-4-19
ICESI - Colombia
Understanding 360 Video and Audio Formats - 2024-4-17
Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences - United States (AZ)
AES Monday Night Meeting - 2024-4-16
Instituto Terciario TAMABA - Argentina
Weekly Meeting of the Student Section - 2024-4-15
Danish - Denmark
Demo of D&B Soundscape in theatre - 2024-4-11
AES ARGENTINA - UP Conference - 2024-4-10
Belgian - Belgium
European Parliament tour - 2024-4-10
New York - United States (NY)
AES NY Section Monthly Meeting Online - 2024-4-9
Melbourne - Australia
Integrating Audio into the Gaming Experience - Software Packages and Workflows. - 2024-4-8
Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences - United States (AZ)
HITMKR X CRAS - 2024-4-8
Instituto Terciario TAMABA - Argentina
Fourth "ITB" Mixing Competition at TAMABA - 2024-4-8
Swedish - Sweden
Immersive Audio at Tint Post Gothenburg - 2024-4-4
Pacific Northwest - United States (WA)
Quartz - Approaching the Problem of Audio/Visual sync for procedural game systems - 2024-4-3
Boston - United States (MA)
Discussing Current and Future Sponsorships - 2024-4-2
Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences - United States (AZ)
CRAS AES X Women of Audio Present: Cody Stephenson - 2024-4-2
Instituto Terciario TAMABA - Argentina
Acoustic projects, music production, and Mixing Competition. - 2024-4-1